Magnifique! Magnifique!
The real fashion icon is back in Saint Laurent!
Catherine Deneuve wears the classic Saint Laurent trench coat by Anthony Vaccarello by David Sims.
Do you remember her in "Belle de jour", directed by Luis Buñuel (1967)? The style in this movie has survived through generations. This movie marked the beginning of a unique partnership between Catherine Deneuve and Yves Saint Laurent.
In movie she is Séverine, an upper-middle-class wife who spends her afternoons as a prostitute in a luxurious Parisian brothel.
Bunuel did not want nudity, but on the contrary, wanted that the dresses must be sewn on the character.
Saint Laurent did it! His clothes are ultra-sophistication and surrealist.
Simply wonderful the black patent trench coat with wool sleeves and very thin belt that she wears with tortoiseshell rimmed sunglasses.
Now seeing Catherine Deneuve wearing the YSL trench coat again is simply amazing.
Bravo Anthony Vaccarello for this choice.
Ciao my lovely fashion lovers. If you are planning a trip to my Paris remember there's a new magical place to visit:37-39 rue de Bellechasse, that’s the address for Saint Laurent’s new headquarters in Paris’s 7th arrondissement. We have only four images of the new 37-39 headquarters but the interior design and the style remain true to the Saint Laurent aesthetic 3,000 square meters in floor space, perfect as new head office and showrooms for French Maison.3,000 square meters in floor space, perfect as new head office and showrooms for French Maison. An incredible site for fashion shows! It will be my fist place to visit in Paris.
CIao i miei adorabili fashion lovers. Se state programmando un viaggio nella mia Parigi, ricordate che c'è un nuovo luogo magico da visitare: 37-39 rue de Bellechasse, questo è l'indirizzo della nuova sede di Saint Laurent nel 7 ° arrondissement. Abbiamo solo quattro immagini della nuova sede 37-39, ma il design degli interni e lo stile rimangono fedeli all'estetica Saint Laurent. 3000 metri quadrati di superficie, perfetti come nuova sede e showroom per la Maison francese. Un posto incredibile per sfilate di moda! Sarà il mio primo posto da visitare a Parigi.
Ciao my lovely fashion lovers. If you are black addicted like me, you can not miss Saint Laurent collection for next winter! Cashmere capes, wedge boots, wide-brimmed hat, leather trench, sandals with fur. We will have a very glam rock winter.
All strictly black! All strictly sexy. I love it.
Ciao mie adorabili fashion lovers! Se siete black addicted come me, non potete perdervi la nuova collezione di Saint Laurent per il prossimo inverno. Cappe di cashmere, cappelli a falda larga, stivali con zeppe, trench di pelle, sandali con dettagli di pelliccia. Questo inverno si preannuncia molto, molto glam rock!
Tutto rigorosamente nero! Tutto rigorosamente sexy!